The Arrival Movie Free Download

The Arrival (1969) Elaborate psychodramatic documentary made by kooky cult 'the Unarius Academy of Science' created for the purpose of spiritual healing: films of Uriel and the students channeling and re-enacting their previous lives together on Earth and other planets.

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What is it? Louise Brooks (Amy Adams) is a renowned expert in linguistics who must face the tragic loss of her daughter. Touched by the despondency, she is astonished by the arrival of 12 alien ships that are located in different parts of the planet. Claimed by the army, Louise will travel to Montana, United States, along with scientist Ian Donnelly (Jeremy Renner), to try to establish a communication with the “visitors”.

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What’s up?. Halfway between the cinema of encounters with extraterrestrials (“Contact”, “Signs”) and the psychological drama of fantastic dyes -not so far from the labyrinths of “Enemy”, by Denis Villeneuve himself-, “The arrival (Arrival) “He handles with skill the comings and goings between the human dimension and the cosmic scale of his many ambitious theses; nevertheless, in its final stretch, the noble desires of greatness of the story lead the film towards a somewhat pompous messianism. It must be said that Villeneuve has never been a filmmaker of lightness: his ambition is to reveal something profound about human existence. In “The arrival”, this “truth” is linked to two central approaches: on the one hand, the celebration of communication as a political, moral and existential support of human society and nature; on the other, a study of the loss of a loved one sustained by balanced doses of romanticism and fatalism.

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